Senin, 22 Desember 2014

Ever Living in Indonesia, US Citizen's Turn "The Indonesianist Community

Chris Crow yangkini became chairman of a community of people who are interested apda Indonesia, The Indonesianist Community, was deeply impressed in Indonesia. (PHOTO: VOA INDONESIA)
Chris Crow yangkini became chairman of a community of people who are interested apda Indonesia, The Indonesianist Community, was deeply impressed in Indonesia. (PHOTO: VOA INDONESIA) - When many Indonesian people complain because feel much discomfort in their own country, it turns out not so well as a citizen of the United States (US).

Had lived several years in Indonesia appeared to have left a memorable impression for Chris Crow, a US citizen who is currently living in Washington DCdan work at Johns Hopkins University.

Chris never received a scholarship from the US government to stay for three years in Indonesia and taught English at a high school located in the village State Paperu, Maluku, a year old. And experience it turned out to have strengthened ties to the Indonesian Chris.

That is why Chris finally found The Indonesianist Community, community contains a stranger who is interested in everything about Indonesia. And over time, he was now asked to become chairman of the club's chairman international association of citizens who have interest in Indonesia.

Until now, members of the community who originated from this mailing list has reached about 160 people. "This community was originally founded by my friend, Brian Kraft. He's now been moved to Jakarta again, working as a consultant, "Chris said when interviewed by VOA Indonesian, Indonesian with a very fluent.

This community is made because many people in Washington DC, who are interested in Indonesia, both US citizens and internationally. Their interest meliputisegi politics, language, and other matters. "Brian makes this club so that they can come together, chatting, and know each other. Also to spread awareness about Indonesia in Washington DC and in America, "said Chris.

The activities carried Indonesianist Community is also very diverse. However, the most popular is the language club. "There were about 15 people who are interested in learning Indonesian seriously and they get together every week," said Chris.

Meeting for language club is usually done in a variety of restaurants in the Washington DC area, where the members present here is to train their ability to speak Indonesian. "That came kinds, both those who are just starting or are already quite smoothly," said Chris.

Jakarta is the favorite city of Chris Crow, even he had a motorcycle taxi drivers are ready to take her subscription wherever he went in Jakarta. (PHOTO: VOA INDONESIA)
Jakarta is the favorite city of Chris Crow, even he had a motorcycle taxi drivers are ready to take her subscription wherever he went in Jakarta. (PHOTO: VOA INDONESIA)
In addition there is a language club, The Indonesianist Community also often hold seminars that bring the speakers who have a relationship with Indonesia. Usually, said Chris, the guests in attendance is a professional who has a working relationship with Indonesia. "For example, from the State Department or from Think Thank, NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations), which is widely available in Indonesia," said Chris.

Meanwhile, personally Chris was deeply impressed during his stay in Indonesia, especially the Moluccas. "(Moluccas) The beach was beautiful, the water is clean and clear. Could see far into the water, can snorkel, swim, there are also caves that can be explored, "said the man who was deeply loved Soto Betawi and drink this bandrek.

"A lot of interesting activities to do while in the Moluccas, particularly activities related to nature," he continued. Chris also really enjoyed the interaction with the local residents. Especially for teaching in the Moluccas, he stayed with a local family.

"The people there were very friendly. I'm happy to spend a year there, "recalls former Foreign contestant Star Indonesia.

And while in Indonesia, Chris had never been to various places such as Yogyakarta, Lombok, Makassar, Surabaya, Bandung, Bogor and Jakarta. However, somewhat surprisingly, when Chris admitted it had never been to Bali, which became the first tourist destination of international citizens.

"Yes, three years in Indonesia has not had time to Bali," I'm Chris, laughing. "I am less interested in its tourist spot really like that, yes. It feels maybe like in Australia, sometimes, "he said.

Among all the places he has visited in Indonesia, Chris turned out to have a distinct impression on the capital city of Jakarta, which became his favorite city. "I feel at home once in Jakarta. Because of the community. People in Jakarta are very friendly, as people across Indonesia. But in Jakarta its more and more diverse, "he said.

Men also like to ride motorcycles to avoid traffic congestion in Jakarta. So often use two-wheeled transport, Chris also claim to have had a subscription motorcycle taxi driver in Jakarta, which is named Gebong. "I think the people of Indonesia's most hospitable in the world. Truly remarkable, "said Chris.

Moreover, to his friends who are in Indonesia, Chris also had to share tips to learn English quickly. "If you want to learn English, let alone come to a place that many Caucasians in order to direct his practice. You see, if I'm not brave training baseball definitely be able to learn, "said Chris closed the interview with VOA Indonesia.

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